How to Spell Autistic With the Periodic Table

10 Interesting Facts About the Periodic Table

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You may be familiar with the chemical periodic table from school, but there's more than meets the eye with this seemingly simple scientific chart. Learn more about the periodic table, including how it was developed and which elements have some interesting history that you may not know about.

It Has a Single Author With a Singular Inspiration

You may already know that one man, Dimitri Mendeleev, is responsible for creating the periodic table. But what you may not know is that he was inspired by a deck of cards to write out each element on a separate card and arrange them in groups aCC0rding to their atomic weight.


A Proud Papa

Mendeleev was so confident in his system that he was able to create spaces on the table for elements that had not yet been discovered, including gallium. However, his pride also caused him to initially reject elements, like helium and other noble gasses, that didn't fit in with his structure.


It's Still Growing

It may seem that we've discovered all there is to know about the natural world at this point, but scientific breakthroughs happen all the time. New elements are still being added in the 21st century.


That's Bananas

Bananas are well known to contain a high concentration of potassium, which is both an essential nutrient and an element on the periodic table. This fact often gets blown out of proportion, bananas actually contain a mildly radioactive form of potassium. They're completely safe to eat, though, and you should ignore any implications to the contrary.


Golden Hour

Gold is not only an element on the periodic table, it's also a color unto itself. The metal has its warm yellowish hue thanks to energy level shifts in gold electrons, which causes the metal to absorb the blue end of the light spectrum.


Gallium: A Chemistry Demo Favorite

Gallium, one of the elements that Mendeleev predicted, is a favorite choice for chemistry classroom demonstrations. This solid metal liquefies at a relatively low temperature (around 85 degrees Fahrenheit), meaning you can shape it into a spoon that will melt into liquid if you use it to stir a hot cup of tea.


Mercury Madness

Sir Isaac Newton is widely known as a genius, but he famously struggled with mental illness late in his life. Modern scholars believe this is likely due to mercury exposure during his experimentation with alchemy.

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Over-the-Counter Mercury Poisoning?

Other historical figures had run-ins with mercury as well. Lewis and Clark are said to have brought mercury-based laxatives with them on their westward journey. The pills were charmingly named "Rush's Thunderbolts."

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Leaded Gasoline and Crime Rates

Mercury isn't the only element on the periodic table linked to behavioral issues. Lead has also been shown to cause developmental issues that may lead to erratic behavior in adults. Many reputable sources believe that the switch from leaded to unleaded gasoline is causally related to a precipitous drop in crime about 20 years later.


Temporary Names for New Elements

When new elements are discovered, they're subject to rigorous peer review before they're then verified by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Elements are usually given temporary names at this point, and are given their permanent names aCC0rding to international guidelines.

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How to Spell Autistic With the Periodic Table


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